Senin, 17 April 2017


'Big scandal'


Infantino inherited an organization that had suffered a testing few years, after seven officials were arrested on corruption charges at Zurich's five-star Baur au Lac hotel in May 2015.
Fast forward to December 4, 2015 and a further 16 officials were charged by US authorities investigating corruption in FIFA, following a daylight raid at the same hotel a day earlier.

Gianni Infantino crowned new FIFA president 01:08
"We had a big scandal. We know that Infantino worked really closely with Michel Platini as well, who was involved with this scandal," Patrik Arnesson, CEO and co-founder of Forza Football, told CNN in a phone interview.
Prior to working at FIFA, Infantino was UEFA's general secretary while Platini was the European governing body's president. Platini is currently serving a four-year ban from all "football-related activity."
It just feels too cosy, says Arnesson.
"I think one of these issues here is it feels like they're re-electing their friends -- and that is not how you tackle a big, big corruption scandal."
Using its app, Forza Football's survey drew on responses of 25,000 fans from over 50 countries, which is "more votes than FIFA get when they try to run their own polls," says Arnesson says.
He believes the main problem is the structure of the organization, the same structure which allowed Blatter, who was FIFA president between 1998 and 2015, to run the world governing body for so long.

Sepp Blatter: There is a 'coup d'etat against FIFA' 03:54
In an interview with CNN in April 2016, Blatter firmly refuted bribery allegations made against him, adding that his major regret was investing trust in the wrong people. Like Platini, Blatter is serving a ban from all "football-related activity."
"You need to try and redo everything from the beginning," added Arnesson. "I think that is the main problem, we haven't heard anything more about those questions: How and why did that scandal happen?
"I think the whole way it's structured is the problem and that is what you need to change. That's what makes it possible for one person to rule the organization for 17 years and for there to be so much corruption.
"That is what we should tackle and they don't seem to want to tackle it. So that is what we are trying to change."

1)        Infantino inherited an organization that had suffered a testing few years = Simple Past Tense and Past Perfect Tense
Simple Present Tense      =   Infantino (S) + inherited (V2) +  an organization (O)
Past Perfect Tense           =   Infantino inherited an organization + that (Conjuction) + had                  + suffered (V3) + a testing few years (Complement)

2)        After seven officials were arrested on corruption charges at Zurich's five-star Baur au Lac hotel in May 2015 = Simple Past Tense
Simple Past Tense           =   seven officials (S) + were (to be V2) + arrested (V2)

3)        A further 16 officials were charged by US authorities investigating corruption in FIFA = Simple Past Tense
Simple Past Tense           =   A further 16 officials (S) + were (to be V2) + charged (V2)

4)        We had a big scandal = Past Tense
Past Perfect Tense           =   We (S) + had (Have/Has V2) + a big scandal (Complement)

5)        We know that Infantino worked really closely with Michel Platini as well = Simple Present Tense and Past Tense
Simple Present Tense      =   We (S) + know (V1)
Past Tense                       =   that (Conjuction) + Infantino (S) + worked (V2) + really closely with Michel Platini as well

6)        Platini is currently serving a four-year ban from all "football-related activity." = Continous Tense
Continous Tense              =   Platini (S) + is (To be) + currently (Adverb) + serving (V-ing) + a four-year ban from all "football-related activity." (Complement)

7)        I think one of these issues here is it feels like they're re-electing their friends = Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense      =   I (S) + think (V1) + one of these issues (Object)

8)        Using its app, Forza Football's survey drew on responses of 25,000 fans from over 50 countries.
Gerund                            =   Using its app
9)        Simple Past Tense           =   Forza Football's survey (S) + drew (V2) + on responses of                       25,000 fans from over 50 countries.

10)    He believes the main problem = Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense      =   He (S) + believes (V1 s/es) + the main problem (Object)

11)    You need to try and redo everything from the beginning = Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense      = You (S) + need (V1) to try and redo everything from the beginning

Minggu, 19 Maret 2017



1.             Juna enjoys nothing more than arriving early and ...... the first person in his office.
a.         to be
b.        being
c.         to being
d.        be
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah “being” karena penggunaan gerund dilakukan ketika sebelumnya terdapat kata kerja seperti enjoy, appreciate, avoid, can’t help, deny, feel like, give up, imagine, mind, postpone, remember, forget, stop, regret, and try.

2.             I would like to speak to whoever is responsible for ..... office supplies in this office.
a.         order
b.        ordering
c.         to order
d.        will order
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah “ordering” karena gerund juga digunakan setelah preposisi seperti in, for, end, after, about, before, of, at, by, against.

3.             ..... insurance is not always easy in this economic environment.
a.         Sell
b.        Selling
c.         To sell
d.        Having sold
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah “selling” karena kata kerja “sell” pada kalimat tersebut berperan sebagai subjek, maka harus menggunakan gerund.

4.             Tim has never regretted ..... up his corporate job to help the needy in Africa.
a.         gives
b.        giving
c.         to give
d.        to have giving
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah “giving” karena penggunaan gerund dilakukan ketika sebelumnya terdapat kata kerja seperti enjoy, appreciate, avoid, can’t help, deny, feel like, give up, imagine, mind, postpone, remember, forget, stop, regret, and try.

5.             Even though Alberto was caught red-handed, he denied .... the funds from the company.
a.         stolen
b.        stealing
c.         to have stolen
d.        to steal
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah “stealing” karena penggunaan gerund dilakukan ketika sebelumnya terdapat kata kerja seperti enjoy, appreciate, avoid, can’t help, deny, feel like, give up, imagine, mind, postpone, remember, forget, stop, regret, and try.

6.             I appreciate your ..... him about the situation.
a.         telling
b.        to tell
c.         to have told
d.        told
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah “telling” karena penggunaan gerund dilakukan ketika sebelumnya terdapat kata kerja seperti enjoy, appreciate, avoid, can’t help, deny, feel like, give up, imagine, mind, postpone, remember, forget, stop, regret, and try.

7.             Jerry stopped ..... to staff meetings without explaining why.
a.         came
b.        come
c.         to come
d.        coming
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah “coming” karena penggunaan gerund dilakukan ketika sebelumnya terdapat kata kerja seperti enjoy, appreciate, avoid, can’t help, deny, feel like, give up, imagine, mind, postpone, remember, forget, stop, regret, and try.

8.             My daughter has looked forward to ..... a graduation gift from her elder brother in another country this week.
a.         get
b.        getting
c.         being getting
d.        got
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah getting karena dalam kalimat tersebut ada salah satu jenis kata yang termasuk dalam daftar kata yang harus menggunakan gerund seperti to looked forward to, to take to, to be accustomed to, and to be used to

9.             It is difficult to get used ....... with chopstick.
a.         eat
b.        eating
c.         to eat
d.        to eating
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah to eating karena dalam kalimat tersebut ada salah satu jenis kata yang termasuk dalam daftar kata yang harus menggunakan gerund seperti to looked forward to, to take to, to be accustomed to, and to be used to

10.         The hardest thing about learning English ....... the gerund.
a.         is understanding
b.        understood
c.         has understood
d.        has being understanding
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah is understanding karena dalam kalimat tersebut kata “understand” berperan sebagai pelengkap kata kerja “to be” jadi harus diikuti gerund.


1.             He expects his client ..... within the hour.
a.         arrive
b.        arrival
c.         to arrive
d.        arriving
Pembahasan : To-infinitive digunakan setelah adanya kata kerja seperti “agree, decide, expect, happen, pretend, promise, manage, and tend” , maka jawaban yang tepat adalah “to arrive”.

2.             All I want is for him ..... that investing in the company was a mistake.
a.         to be admitting
b.        to admit
c.         admit
d.        admitting
Pembahasan : To-infinitive digunakan setelah diikuti kata kerja plus objeknya seperti “advise, allow, expect, forbid, want, force, and tell” , maka jawaban yang tepat adalah “to admit

3.             He did not allow his employees ..... their cell phones while at work.
a.         used
b.        using
c.         use
d.        to use
Pembahasan : To-infinitive digunakan setelah diikuti kata kerja plus objeknya seperti “advise, allow, expect, forbid, want, force, and tell” , maka jawaban yang tepat adalah “to use

4.             He decide ..... his work at home.
a.         to finish
b.        finishing
c.         to be finish
d.        finish
Pembahasan : To-infinitive digunakan setelah adanya kata kerja seperti “agree, decide, expect, happen, pretend, promise, manage, and tend” , maka jawaban yang tepat adalah “to finish”.

5.             ........ the Raja Ampat is my life-long dream.
a.         Visit
b.        To visit
c.         Visited
d.        Visiting
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah “to visitkarena kata kerja visit berperan sebagai subjek.

6.             I would like a cheese cake.......
a.         to eat
b.        eat
c.         to be eating
d.        ate
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah “to eat” , karena pada kalimat ini jawaban yang tepat menggunakan to-infinitive yang mengindikasikan ‘something can or will be used for’.

7.             It is importand for me ....... with my little brother.
a.         to be patient
b.        patient
c.         being patient
d.        patient
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah “to be patient” karena pada kalimat tersebut jawaban yang tepat menggunakan to-infinitive dimana dalam kalimat tersebut juga terdapat kata sifat “subject + to be + adj + (for/of someone) + to-infinitive + (rest of sentence).

8.             Tell me when ..... the button.
a.         to press
b.        pressed
c.         press
d.        to pressing
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah “to press” karena kata “ask, decide, explain, forget, know, show, tell, and understand dapat diikuti dengan question word seperti where, how, what, who, who and when  kemudian diikuti to-infinitive.

9.             ........ her is to love her.
a.         Know
b.        To has known
c.         Knew
d.        To know
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah “to know” karena kata kerja know berperan sebagai subjek.

10.         I forgot ..... of the coffee maker before I left the office last night.
a.         to turn
b.        to have turned
c.         turning
d.        have turned
Pembahasan : Jawabannya adalah “to turn” karena to-infinitive juga dapat digunakan setelah adanya kata remember, forget, stop, regret, and try.

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